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World Agility Championship 2025

from 16 to 22 June 2025 


  • CS Ranch - Route de Duillier 7, 1271 Givrins, Switzerland

  • The nearest international Airport is Geneva, only 26 km away.



  • We have organised a FAQ session for all the questions we are asked in order to provide the best possible assistance. Follow this link to view them. The language of the FAQ is English only..

  • Would you like to help us organise a WAC that is a moment of joy for our participants? We need you for all the time you can give us. Become a Staff Member. Signup

  • Join the WhatsApp Community at the link to learn about all communications and announcements regarding the event in real time.



  • Partner Hotels: Follow the link

  • Partner B&Bs: Follow the link

  • Partner Campsites: Follow the link

  • Internationally recognised
    The purpose of our Federation is not limited to the organisation of dog sports in Switzerland, but also supports events and training in both international dog sports and public service activities. We recognise and value your professionalism and qualifications. Our qualifications are of a professional nature recorded in a professional register. Recognised at European and International level by all member countries of the International Dog Sport Federation and the International Association of Dog Professionals. Hosting and participating in Swiss Championships and international events As a dog club recognised by the Swiss Dog Sports Federation (SDSF), you can participate in championships organised by the SDSF and be part of this championship network with your own dog club. Our Federation participates exclusively in the IFCS World Agility Championships representing Switzerland.
  • Garantire la qualità ai propri clienti/associati
    I vostri clienti e soci avranno la certezza di essere assistiti da istruttori cinofili e allenatori sportivi certificati di altissimo livello. Sarete riconosciuti e farete parte di un'organizzazione che incoraggia i più alti standard nell'addestramento dei cani. Con il titolo di Istruttore SDSF garantirete ai vostri partecipanti che non siete in un normale Centro Cinofilo!
  • Being part of a joint project
    Being part of a common Project means benefiting from all media channels, advertising, marketing activities and Events organised and managed by the Federation. Being part of it will be a guarantee of quality, but above all it will guarantee you unique visibility.
  • Super-advantageous memberships
    Your club membership is very affordable and you will benefit from our sponsorship programme. What this means: Membership is priced at CHF 100 per year and with it you will be entitled to: Free equivalence of the current qualifications of the instructors/trainers working in your Club; Entry in the Federation's Register of Clubs and instructors/trainers; SDSF Affiliated Club plaque for display; Personalised 300x100 PVC banner Digital advertising on Facebook and Instagram Hosting of Courses Competitions and Events (you will be paid to host them!) Free promotion of your Training and Events Benefits and Discounts from our Sponsors and Partners Workbooks for the Centre's Dogs Discounts from 10% on Equipment and Clothing in our Shop

Became a Volunteer

Thank you for registering for our event. We will contact you soon!

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